Tuesday 21 October 2008

Child Support Money Gone Up In Smoke

Have you ever been through a divorce? If you are a woman who got full custody of the children, then the father had to pay child support. This is because the father did not show up for court or he did and the judge set it that way because they feel the children will be better off with the mother. If the father has to pay for child support and they can't find him, then the mother will not get any money for the child. She will not receive any money until they find him. The father might be moving from home to home so they won't be able to track him down or he might quit his job before the county can take the money out of his checks.
Even if he has not paid you child support, he still can talk to them and see them because it is his right. You cannot take that away from him unless he gives up his right to them. The only way to push your child support is to take him back to court and get a judge to press it. If you find out where he is and he finds out, he will run to a different location and he will keep on doing this over and over. This is what the states will call a deadbeat father because he does not want to take his responsibility to pay child support seriously. There are some fathers that will pay for their child because they care a lot for them and they will do anything for them because they love their child. Those men are what you call good fathers.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all fathers are like this, but some of them are. For the fathers that pay their child support, then good for you. This means that you love your child and you are one of the good guys that care and want to be a good father to them.
On the other hand, if they do find him and he owes back child support, they will pull his licenses and put him in jail until he pays something on it. If they find him and he does not have a job, they will make him get one. If he does not get a job with in the time they give him, they will arrest him and put him back in jail. If he gets a job, they will take out a certain amount from his paycheck every week.
Article Directory Source: http://www.1articleworld.com
There are a lot of men out there that don't pay child support like they should, but there are things that law enforcement do to make them pay.
Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like water damage restoration and water damage.

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