Monday 20 October 2008

Can I make Money From Google Adsense?

How much money can I possibly make? How much do you want to make? How hard do you want to work? How much time do you want to spend working the Google Adsense program? These are the questions you must ask yourself in order to answer that question.Look at it this way: how many business opportunities come your way where the only requirement is hard work and the time it takes to work hard? Not many. Almost any type of business venture would require some kind of start-up money. If your total earnings are still showing 0.00 after a week, do not panic or worry. Keep reading and learning and working. But, if you are still showing 0.00 after a month, it may be time to use some of those improvement tips you will find on the Google Adsense Support Site. Play around with the placement of the ads on your site. Consider changing the colors. Look again at the content. Is it interesting? As with any other business, with the Google Adsense program, the sky is the limit. Work hard. Work smart. Stay Focused. Have fun. After all, you will the boss. What Are URL Channels and How to Organize Them in Google Adsense URL Channels allow you to view detailed information about the performance of your Adsense for Content pages. Suppose you have a blog and you may also have a second blog. It might be interesting and profitable to track which one is getting more clicks.Log in to your Adsense account and click on Adsense for Content. Scroll down to Channels, and click manage channels. You may need to scroll up when the next page loads. Under Manage URL Channels, type and click on Create New Channel. You will immediately see in the Active URL Channels dialogue box. Now, type in in the same channel text box and again click on Create New Channel.You now have two channels, and you will be able to track your progress on each channel. You can view channel reports from the Advanced Report page under the Reports tab. Choose Adsense for Content, choose the date range and then select the Channels Data radio button. Choose any number of active channels by holding down the CTRL key. Next click on Display Report. It is that easy.
To find tips about your own business and making money from google adsense visit Article Source:

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