Tuesday 21 October 2008

How To Make Money From Blog

Many profitable blog owners started their blogs to as a personal diary and began doing little things to earn income. First adding ads to the blog and then doing other things to capitalize on traffic and make a profit.
Blogging for profit is a new way of making money online, as most people called it problogging. Blog has being know by people as online dairy which can also be use to generate revenue for most people to pay off their mortgage and debts.
Most people still use blog to speak out their view and opinion about a particular hobby or interest. And as popular belief, google and lots of major search engines loves blog and reasons being that you can blog and ping and it is not static like a normal website.
There are lots of way to monetise your blog, Some of the ways are listed below:
Google Adsense: Is one great way to make money for your blog is advertising ad sense on your blog. Google Adsense is a service that allow blogger and site owner to publish text based context-related ads on your blog. All you have to do is to add a code into your website or blog or download adsense pugins and google show related ads on your blog.
You make money when any of your visitors click on the ads you get paid certain amount of money. Other Adsense you can use are chitika, kanoodle, yahoo! Publisher network.
Blogads is another way of advertising space on your blog, this allow you take control of your advertisers. Blogad allows you to sell your ad space in a direct and useful way. Blogad keeps 20% of the net revenue and the rest is sent to your paypal account. Alternative service you can use are, Crispads, GrokAds, Tagword.
For many blog owners with products or services, blog posts will be used to advertise these specific products/services to clients. Blog posts of that nature can be written to highlight note worthy product features, specials, or client reviews Writing this information in an individual post increases the chance that your product/site will be listed in search engine results and exposed to more potential clients.
Another way to earn money from your blog posts is inline ads. Inline ads highlight specific keywords found within your post and earn you revenue each time a reader clicks the highlight keyword. Companies such as Adbrite. Adbrite offer Inline Ad options to advertisers and more companies, such as Google, are looking for ways to help webmasters maximize their revenue by using inline ads. Some companies are even willing to pay per impression which means you earn money regardless of whether your readers click the keywords or not.
Sponsored review programs, or paid review programs, are another extremely popular way to earn money with your blog posts. I use sponsored review programs to earn money and to get ideas for new, quality, content when writers block creeps up on me. These programs allow blog owners to sign up, register their blog, and then review a variety of websites. Each review usually consists of a neutral, or positive, overview of the website paying for the review, along with up to three links to the sponsors website.
Article Directory Source: http://www.1articleworld.com
Blog has being a way to provide your clients or readers with fresh content on a daily, or weekly basis, it also a great way for small business owners, with little web design knowledge, and small budgets to establish a professional, attractive, web presence.
Shelly Samuel creates self hosted niche wordpress blog. Find out how you can make money online blogging at http://nicheblogmarket.com

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